Folkestone Academy - Dover Transport Museum

A few weeks ago I was asked to be one of the judges for a hair and beauty competition at Folkestone Academy. Years 9 to 13 all showcased their through the decades creations at a live cat walk event. Each year group had a judge and I had to pick the top three from the year 12 group. I can honestly say this was incredibly difficult as all of the participants did so amazingly well. The first three stylists form each year group won a make-up masterclass with Gemma Parnell and Lucy Moat. Following this they were transported to Dover Transport Museum where the Dover Design team were waiting to photograph each of them. Our intention was to create a unique image each, working with the styling and props on hand in the museum.

In theory this all sounds fine but the reality was that we had approximately ten minutes per person. Below you will see a single image of each of the participants.

I would like to thank all of the pupils for fully engaging and being such fun to work with.