Heidi and Danny - A Nonington Wedding

I honestly can't think of a better job than being a wedding photographer. You get to meet lovely people on a very special, happy day. I was thrilled when Heidi and Danny booked and excited at the plans for their big day.

Every wedding has something special, something memorable, something that sets it apart. I think for this wedding it was the people. Heidi and Danny's story is charming how they met when they were young then got together a little later in life. It is clear to everyone that meets them that they were meant to be. It is this connection along with the incredible sense of community from their families and friends that touched me. Heidi's Dad's speech took me back to happy times at my Granddad's house and that feeling of community. He like Heidi's Dad was a miner and a big part of the mining community.

The day started with a lovely ceremony at Nonington Church. The guests, along with the Bride and Groom were then bused to the Jackdaw at Denton on an old Double Decker bus. We had a few drops of rain but conveniently this was in the middle of the day and didn't hinder proceedings.

All in all a really lovely wedding.