Pierre Garroudi - Haute Couture Fashion Designer

I am not the only one in the village - there is another photographer. Matt Bristow of Rubber Duck Does Photography and I are good friends even though he does use Canon - we also help each other out whenever we can. Those of you who follow us on Facebook or Twitter will have noticed mentions of fashion work recently. I was thrilled when Matt asked us along to assist with his two part fashion shoot for London Haute Couture Fashion Designer Pierre Garroudi. Part one took us to Pierre's fantastic Southwark studio, for part two we ventured to Dover's Napoleonic Fort - the Drop Redoubt. Not normally open to the public the venue provided the perfect location for a fashion shoot.

Fashion Photography is obviously very different - in the Wedding world we don't to get to chose the cast, the clothes, the venue or the time of day so it was great to work in an environment with more control. The advantage though is we don't have to arrange all of the above!!

We certainly gained loads of valuable experience and it was fascinating to see the behind the scenes attention to detail. The hair and make-up work was simply amazing - I have a lot of respect for my new friends Emily and Vicki.

We only went along to assist and help out and didn't take any of the final shots which should be featured in some select fashion mags soon. The pictures below were taken behind the scenes and during the shoots and should not be mistaken for the final product.

I need to mention loads of people, Hair Stylist - Vicki Lord, Make-up - Emily-Rose, Models:- Amy Roberts, Alisha McKenna, Anita Irbe who also acted as stylist and Hayley White. Also very special thanks to Paul Wells for his help at the Drop Redoubt, Thomas Langley and Holly Hawkins. And of course not forgetting the brains behind the shoot - Matt Bristow - thanks for the experience.

Links to Matt's Blog post and Thomas' Blog...

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